The SPIEF Trail: a Triad of Partnership Agreements
During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum the Higher School of Economics signed cooperation agreements with a number of organisations. ISSEK staff — members of the S&T Foresight Centre and the Competence Centre for Cooperation with International Organisations actively participated in completing the groundwork for three of them: with the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), and the Rosselkhozbank.
Synchronising Russian and Chinese Foresight Studies
Alexander Sokolov, Director of the Foresight Centre and Deputy Director of the HSE ISSEK, visited Shanghai (PRC) in early May to take part in the International Pujiang Innovation Forum. The forum is annually hosted by the PRC Ministry of Science and Technology jointly with the Shanghai Municipal Government to discuss and coordinate decisions in the science, technology, and innovation policy area. This year the participants shared their expectations about the period until 2035.
Evgeniy Kutsenko: 'Smart Regions Can Only Exist in a Unified System of Coordinates'
Evgeniy Kutsenko, Head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory, shares on his Facebook page his impressions of taking part in the Regional Studies Association conference in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) which took place on 5-7 June, 2019, mentioning particularly interesting topics and presentations.

Digital Inequality a Key Challenge on the Road to the Digital Future
Along with personal computers, the digital economy originated in the 1980s and quickly began to evolve, with information and technology becoming a bigger and bigger determinant of a country’s economic growth. A new stage of this evolution is now upon us, with explosive technology and data transformation now becoming one of the decisive factors of production.
‘Statistics Should Be Available and Comprehensible to Everyone’
Implementing a digital analytical platform, opportunities for Big Data, and other prospects for the development of Russian statistics were discussed by participants at a plenary session of the XX April International Academic Conference.
‘Isolationism Is the Pathway to Technological Degradation’
The XX April International Academic Conference continued on April 11 with a discussion on digitalization of the economy and public administration. Maxim Akimov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and Curator of the Digital Economy National Programme, spoke about digital business models, public administration, digitalization in industry and science, and the impact of digital technology on the job market.
Foresight and STI Governance no 1, 2019
The new issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal presents the results of research on innovation systems and the development of future scenarios for both developed and developing countries.
Big Data-based Foresight for a Proactive Strategy: a Must-have Tool for Business in the Era of Digitalisation
Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for S&T Foresight, wrote a column for the Association of European Businesses Quarterly Magazine.
Digital Activity of Russian Manufacturing Companies in 2018
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge continues to study business digitisation trends, and presents the results of a market survey reflecting the level of digital technologies’ application by Russian large and medium manufacturing enterprises in 2018. Managers of more than 1,200 companies in 30 Russian regions participated in the survey.
Business Digitisation Index
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge designed the Business Digitisation Index which measures the rate of entrepreneurial sector organisations’ adapting to digital transformation in Russia, European countries, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Japan. The index is calculated on the basis of the following five indicators: broadband internet access, use of cloud-based services, RFID technology, and ERP systems, and participation in e-commerce.