Inter-Departmental Commission on Technology Foresight Commenced Work
On 7 June, 2013 the RF Ministry of Education and Science hosted the first meeting of the Inter-Departmental Commission on Technology Foresight. The participants discussed initial steps to launch nation-wide systematic activity in this area. The Commission members included Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector of the HSE and director of the ISSEK, and Alexander Sokolov, director of the ISSEK’s Foresight Centre.
Space launches begin with the roadmaps
Startup Village, the largest start-up conference in Russia, took place on May 26-28th 2013. It was attended by more than 3,000 representatives from innovative companies, venture capital funds, government authorities, development and research institutes, the media, as well as leading experts of the International Research and Educational Foresight Center HSE.
A Bridge between Science and Practice
On May 20, 2013, as part of Innovation Media Day, a discussion panel ‘Technologies of the Future: A View from Innovation Leaders, Development Institutions, and Media’ took place. The panel was organized by the HSE, RIA Novosti, and Russian Venture Company.
Technology Development: a Correct Foresight
On 21 May, 2013 Higher School of Economics hosted a working meeting on the results of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030, and the objectives for the next stage of the study.
A Series of HSE Working Papers "Science, Technology, Innovation" — Six Months
At the end of September, 2012 Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) launched "Science, Technology and Innovation" (STI) working paper series in the framework of the Higher School of Economics “Working Papers of the Basic Research Program” (HSE WP BRP). Currently it is one of the youngest among all HSE WP BRP series, nevertheless the most popular among them.
Public Sector e-Innovations
A preprint published in the SSRN by Liliana Proskuryakova, Gulnara Abdrakhmanova and Hans Pitlik analyses the relationship between some aspects of e-government and corruption in the public sector. The preprint continuously appears among the top ten downloaded papers in relevant thematic topics and e-journals of SSRN data base.
XIV April International Academic Conference: Interview with Mu Rongping
Speaker on the ISSEK section Mu Rongping, director of the Institute of Policy and Management of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared Chinese experience in policy making based on long-term Foresights.
XIV April International Academic Conference: Interview with Jean Guinet
The head of the HSE ISSEK International Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies Jean Guinet commented on the key points of his paper “Increasing Efficiency of National Innovation System: Centres of Excellence’s Role”
‘Science Can Help to Bring Countries Together in Different Ways’
Professor Jonathan Linton, Power Corporation Professor for the Management of Technological Enterprise of the University of Ottawa, Canada, and Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Technovation‘ journal gave a presentation ‘Centers of Excellence. Research Strategy and Portfolio Planning’ at the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview to the HSE news service.
Economics of Science
How to evaluate research performance and efficiency of S&T activities? An attempt to find response on these and related questions was undertaken by the participants of the roundtable "Monitoring Economics of Science: Main Results and Development Prospects" that was organized by the HSE ISSEK at the 2nd day of the XIV April Conference.