Transformative Power of Innovation
The Seventh International Academic Conference 'Foresight and STI Policy', traditionally organized by HSE ISSEK, took place in Moscow at the beginning of November. Mr Kato, the Director General of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Japan, was the key speaker at the event. He has talked to HSE News Service about his research interests, as well as about cooperation with HSE in the field of foresight research.
HSE Begins Collaboration on Energy Systems with Jülich Research Centre
On November 7, HSE hosted a delegation from the Jülich Research Centre in Germany. Scholars from both countries came together to discuss joint research opportunities, including transformation of energy systems for sustainable development; future studies of energy technologies, including foresight studies; and methodological issues related to big data analysis and modelling.
Foresight and STI Governance moves up to the second place in the Russian Science Citation Index’s economics magazines ranking
According to the latest available data (for 2016), Foresight and STI Governance journal published by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) since 2007 has moved up to the second place in the Russian Science Citation Index’s ranking in the “Economics and Economic Science” category.
Article by HSE ISSEK Researchers Appears in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology
ISSEK leading experts Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Leonid Gokhberg, and Alexander Sokolov have written a chapter — ‘Indicators of Information and Communication Technology’ — for a 10-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Information Resources Management Association, USA). This publication came out in July 2017.
Foresight and STI Governance no 2, 2017
In the special issue of the journal various aspects of the integration of education, research and innovation activities of universities based on the model of “knowledge triangle” are being considered. The experts from Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Sweden, Iran, Indonesia and OECD share the achievements upon the subject.
Meeting Global Energy Challenges
Two international summits took place in Beijing (China) on 6-9 June 2017: the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM8), and the Second Ministerial Meeting on Innovation (Mission Innovation, MI-2). The events’ shared theme was meeting global challenges with innovations and designing common clean energy solutions. Liliana Proskuryakova, the Leading Researcher at the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, was a member of the official Russian delegation.
Foresight and STI Governance no 1, 2017
The new issue of Foresight and STI Governance presents various aspects of the corporate sector’s innovation-based development: approaches to conducting Foresight studies, market evaluation of research-intensive companies, intellectual capital’s impact on firms’ performance. International experts assess the prospects for transboundary academic cooperation in the context of global geopolitical processes, and propose an “intelligent leadership” model for state universities.
Researchers Offer Novel Method for Calculating the Benefits of Renewable Energy
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have developed a novel system for assessing the potential of renewable energy resources. This method can help to assess the future exploitable technical potential of wind and solar PV energy, as well as their capacity to replace exiting generation assets. Furthermore, it can forecast fossil fuel savings and facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Their research has been published in journal Energy: “Wind and Solar PV Technical Potentials: Measurement Methodology and Assessments for Russia”.
Russian Intellectual Property Market Trends
A new issue of the Science, Technology and Innovation newsletter presents data on Russian and international applicants’ patent filing at the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent).
Who Studies Russian Science and How?
On February 8, Russian Science Day, the Higher School of Economics, along with the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and the Ministry of Education and Science, released its annual statistical data book on the state of science, technology, and innovation. Below, the Director of the HSE ISSEK and HSE First Vice Rector Leonid Gokhberg discusses how research on science in Russia is advancing.