Meeting Global Energy Challenges
Two international summits took place in Beijing (China) on 6-9 June 2017: the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM8), and the Second Ministerial Meeting on Innovation (Mission Innovation, MI-2). The events’ shared theme was meeting global challenges with innovations and designing common clean energy solutions. Liliana Proskuryakova, the Leading Researcher at the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, was a member of the official Russian delegation.
Both these summit meetings were hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Energy Administration. Ministers and delegates from 24 countries — members of the CEM, MI, the European Commission, and business leaders and experts from all over the world took part in the events.
CEM8 and MI-2 summit programmes included inter-industry discussions, closed meetings of ministerial representatives, and about two dozens parallel events such as conferences, workshops, and presentations. The exhibition of technological achievements presented advanced clean energy technologies developed in various countries.
Liliana Proskuryakova, the Leading Researcher at the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, was a member of the official Russian delegation participated in CEM8 official events, including the meeting of the BRICS Energy Ministers’ Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving, BRICS Ministerial meeting, and parallel events hosted by the International Energy Agency, the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), etc.
Among the most interesting events were the International Electric Vehicles Pilot Cities Forum; Global Energy Efficient Lighting Initiative; the workshop “Long-term trends facilitating accelerated energy shift: focus on sun and wind”; the session “Private business initiatives on switching to renewable energy sources”; discussion of the World Bank’s regulatory indicators on sustainable energy. Two reports were also presented: Prospective Energy Technologies 2017 by the International Energy Agency, and the REN21 report on the application of renewable energy sources in the world.
Various ambitious statements were made at these events. For example, the campaign to improve power plants’ manoeuvrability was launched (to integrate more renewable energy sources). The authors of the Global Private Initiative on Energy-Efficient Lighting announced their new target: installing 14 billion cost-efficient lamps (the previous target was 10 billion), due to 13 new companies joining the initiative. Energy-efficient air-conditioning technologies attracted $1,4 billion in investments, as a result of the initiative on the development and mass application of highly efficient, smart, accessible, and climate-friendly air-conditioning technologies launched last year. Companies which have joined the RE100 green energy initiative announced extending the initiative’s coverage over new firms and regions, and the emerging combined demand for 128 TWh of green energy a year — on a par with total energy consumption in countries like Argentina.
We’d like to remind that the HSE ISSEK has recently published the analytical report “Renewable Energy 2030: global challenges and long-term innovation development trends”, presenting the results of the Foresight project “Global Challenges and Long-Term Innovation Development Trends in the Renewable Energy Sources Sphere”, implemented by the HSE ISSEK with information and financial support of Renova Group of Companies.