HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries
Researchers at HSE ISSEK have released the third ranking of megacities based on their innovation attractiveness—HSE Global Cities Innovation Index 2024 (HSE GCII 2024). Moscow ranks ninth, while London, New York, and Tokyo lead the ranking. The top ten also include Beijing, San Francisco, Paris, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Seoul. In addition to Moscow, 25 other Russian cities are among the top 1,000, including St. Petersburg (73), Novosibirsk (183), and others.

HSE Scientists Create Imperceptible but Robust Digital Watermark
HSE scientists have developed an algorithm to protect digital images, significantly enhancing the security of multimedia data on the internet. The algorithm embeds watermarks into images; these watermarks are invisible to the human eye and capable of resisting various attacks. The results of the study have been published in Computers and Electrical Engineering.
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge is featured in Asian Research Policy
The Asian Research Policy research journal presented information about the HSE ISSEK and the main activities of the institute.

Researchers Explain How Massive Methane Emissions Affect Warming in the Arctic
Expeditions to the Eastern Arctic and Kara Seas investigated the thermal properties of bottom sediments. Numerous zones of bubbling methane flux were discovered in the shelf of the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea, which researchers believe is affecting climate warming in the Arctic. The study has been published inMarine and Petroleum Geology.

Jonathan Calof: 'I Hope That I Will Be Able to Travel to Moscow to Be with My HSE Colleagues and Friends Soon'
Jonathan Calof has been cooperating with HSE since 2009. In an interview with HSE News Service he talks about how his involvement with HSE began, what projects he has been part of, and how he has organised his online work during the recent lockdown.

HSE Remains Leader in Russia by Number of Economics Research Papers
At the close of 2019, HSE University once again ranked first among Russian organizations in the RePEc/IDEAS (Research Papers in Economics) world ranking and advanced to a record-breaking 129th place. The ranking evaluates economic, academic, and research institutions based on their publication activity in economics.
Foresight and STI Governance no 1, 2019
The new issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal presents the results of research on innovation systems and the development of future scenarios for both developed and developing countries.
Foresight and STI Governance no 2, 2018
The new issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal is devoted to a variety of tools for the development of innovation in the public and corporate sectors.
Foresight and STI Governance moves up to the second place in the Russian Science Citation Index’s economics magazines ranking
According to the latest available data (for 2016), Foresight and STI Governance journal published by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) since 2007 has moved up to the second place in the Russian Science Citation Index’s ranking in the “Economics and Economic Science” category.
Article by HSE ISSEK Researchers Appears in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology
ISSEK leading experts Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Leonid Gokhberg, and Alexander Sokolov have written a chapter — ‘Indicators of Information and Communication Technology’ — for a 10-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Information Resources Management Association, USA). This publication came out in July 2017.